Homero Ruiz began his career in education as a lecturer professor at Tecnológico de Monterrey after completing his MA studies at the Bauhaus in Weimar. Upon returning to Mexico, he taught classes at Campus Monterrey as part of the industrial design department.
Later, he became a full-time professor at the School of Architecture,
Art, and Design.

After two years, due to his performance and contributions
to the school, he was appointed the Head of Visual Design Program.
Some of his contributions include establishing the first visual design laboratory at Campus Monterrey.

He coordinated student visits to the three campuses of the Bauhaus: Weimar, Dessau, and Berlin, in collaboration with Msc. Jannik Noeske.
He served as an advisor for the representative students from Tec who participated in Fashion Week 2022. Also, he provided creative direction for multiple projects. Many of these projects became finalists or winners in various national and international design competitions for students during his years as a professor.
Professor at Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education
The main topics of his classes and lectures included visual design and graphic communication, design philosophy [aesthetics], grid systems, design fundamentals, language of objects, design manifestos, interface design, transmedia and semiotics, sketching, photography theory, among others.

In the management and administration area, he established relationships with national studios for the benefit of student internships; he also started conversations to bring professors from Bauhaus of Weimar to Tec de Monterrey and gave lectures to other universities like UDEM, UNAM, UANL, and CEDIM. He collaborated with some brands, such as Ford Motors, San Pedro Parques, Monterrey Government, Monkey Hands, WAF Latam, Brands and People, Archivo/Phamilia, UDEM, and Laboratorio Arte A.C., just to enlist some of them.

Currently, he continues to offer courses and lectures independently. The evaluation of his performance in his courses was highlighted, and in internal university surveys, he got 9.6 out of 10 as an average in his 4 years of teaching.
["He is a teacher who inspires and motivates his students to explore their abilities. He is an excellent teacher because he encourages us to pursue our goals. He ensures that each topic is clear and always available for questions."]

["I remember that he always invited us to think and question why we do what we do; it was inspiring to share time with him in class. I would definitely take a course with him again. Practical and theoretical. Very aesthetic experience”]

["Good teacher, it is good to have someone in the field of design studies focusing on research and philosophy."]

["He is a professor who can deliver 3 hours of theory and never loses your attention during that time. What he teaches feels like something that shouldn't just stay in the classroom but should be applied to our lives."]

["Very kind and helps you generate ideas from other perspectives that are useful when carrying out the project."]

["He knows a lot!! I admire him so much, and everything he says resonates with me and sticks. The fact that he is young gives me confidence because he has a more modern perspective on today's design. He puts a lot of effort into his classes, and it's clear he enjoys teaching. He is undoubtedly one of the best teachers I've had, and he has made an impact."]


If you are an ex-student and want to add some words to this section, please contact me to email@homeroruiz.com
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Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education
Professional Experience
[Full-time Professor] [Head of Visual Design Program]
[Visual Laboratory Manager]

School of Architecture, Arts and Design
Monterrey, Mexico
2020 — 2024
Applied Skills
Leader, Management, Educator, Research
Special thanks to all the friends and designers I have collaborated with over the years; your support and friendship is invaluable.