The 0 12 24 clock, designed by Homero Ruiz, invites the viewer to contemplate time from a perspective different from the conventional, drawing on the elasticity of paralinguistic codes and questioning social principles regarding the measurement of time. The piece seeks to revalue the day based on moments rather than hours.

The lateral axes represent 0, 12, or 24 hours, while the band symbolizes the cyclical passage of time. Devoid of marks (as in a conventional clock), its function is altered, allowing the viewer to contemplate time. Events can be marked using a system of signs, which, over the days, enable the observation of daily events, feelings, or moments.

Clock for Collective Cuadrante Exhibition / Decode Group in Fatima Cultural Center
Clock Designed for Decode Group Exhibition
Achievements / Design and Art
Fatima Gallery, San Pedro G. G., Mexico
Decode Group / Cuadrante / Santa Lucia Festival
Designer Pepe Santillan
Kinetic Sculpture
The piece continues a series of objects developed by Homero Ruiz in Weimar, Germany, during his time at the Bauhaus University of Weimar. The conceptual work was produced by Homero Ruiz and co-designed for its physical realization with Designer Pepe Santillán.
The clock serves as a kinetic sculpture, capturing events over the hours.

Paola Antonelli from MoMA visited the exhibition during her stay in Monterrey. She was invited by Tec de Monterrey and designer Jorge Diego Ettiene for different talks in the city due to the Santa Lucía/Cuadrante Festival.

This art piece was inspired by the kinetic sculpture Frame 7/30, created by Homero Ruiz in Weimar in 2019 as part of his work at the Bauhaus University of Weimar.
2012 — 2015